You have been invited to our team tour.
Please do not share or distribute these contents...because the heavens may fall and seas will rise.

Ok, just kidding. Enjoy Your Company Tour

If you are looking for a long drawn out explanation, with a ton of catch phrases such as, "but wait, there's more..." This isn't that.

Or you are looking for some 50 page funnel that repeats itself over and over and over, hoping you'll be board enough, or overwhelmed enough, to just hand over your credit card...
this isn't that either.

We like to keep our message simple, clean, and to the point:

We want to help you succeed financially!

That's it. Pretty simple Right?

Our team is a marketing arm of Melaleuca. A 40+ year old manufacturing company out of Idaho Falls, Idaho. They manufacture 400+ amazing products, many of which people use every day.
They ship directly to the customers, so you don't have to take orders, deliver products, or buy inventory. Customer shop directly through the website, so you have very little to do after the,
"Hey, look at this." conversation. These are all highly consumable products, which mean your income never stops. And you get tagged with the customer permanently,
so every time they shop, you get paid.


I'm going to let this 12 minute video give you the rest of the company tour.

If you like what you see from the company, and their mission of:
"Enhancing The Lives Of Those We Touch, By Helping People Reach Their Goals",
then we can move on to the "How" our team can help put Melaleuca to work for you.

We will share with you how we have built a strategic marketing platform that works for you,
to bring you consistent and regular team members and customers that will help you grow and thrive. And best yet, won't cost you anything until you are leading a team of your own.

But first things first:

So What's Next?

Simple, you pick a time to connect with one of our team leaders so we can
find out what your goals are, and share with you the details of our
integrated automated marketing system.

It also gives you a chance to ask all the questions your heart desires.
So don't wait, grab a timeslot that works for you today.

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